
Thankful Living

God has blessed each of us in so many ways that if we had 1,000 tongues, we would not be able to thank God enough; however, it does not hurt to try. Expressing our gratitude to God is more than just saying “thank you”—we should live thankfully. What’s the difference, you ask? Find out in November’s sermon series on Thankful Living. Too often, we take for granted the many good things in our lives and forget to show gratitude to God for his blessings. This attitude of entitlement robs us of experiencing the joy of the Lord that the Lord so desperately wants to give us. It also prevents us from truly appreciating all that God has done for us. During this sermon series, we will explore what it means to be truly thankful and how gratefulness can transform our lives, and in some cases save lives. We will also learn how to express our gratitude to God through practicing spiritual disciplines like prayer, journaling, connecting with others, and worship. I encourage and challenge you to join me for this special series as we give thanks to God and discover a depth of gratefulness we may have never experienced.

OT Wisdom
“Out with the old and in with the new!”
Sometimes that is the best practice. If your phone still flips open, if your computer still has a slot for a floppy disk, if your suit is still polyester, then perhaps this saying is for you. While true for some things, it may not be applicable to all things. Take wisdom for instance. Some wisdom sayings are timeless, such as:
* "Tell me and I’ll forget; show me, and I may not remember; involve me, and I’ll learn."
* "The best things in life are free."
* "Wise men may be learned. Learned men may not be wise."
These and many more are timeless pieces of wisdom.
Believe it or not, there is much timeless wisdom from our very own Bible. The Old Testament provides lots of wisdom that each of us could benefit from. Wisdom, like a fine wine or an aged cheese or a diamond, takes time to fully mature. There is a way to ever so slightly speed up this process and get on with living and that way is to learn from others, sit at the feet of the wise, and keep an open mind.
For the next four weeks, we will dive into the OT wisdom of the Book of Ecclesiastes. Written by the one called the wisest man ever to live, we’ll hear wise words that can and should have great impact in our lives today. 
Real Life Kids Stories
What Bible stories do you remember from your childhood? Perhaps you were taught them using flannel board characters that sometimes didn’t quite stick to the felt covered boards. Maybe VeggieTales helped you learn about some of the basic stories from the Bible.
Many of these stories became our children’s nursery themes, our Sunday School hallway murals, or filled the shelves of our children’s book nooks at home. But truth be told, many of these lessons and books and picturesque murals were the edited and abridged versions of stories that had some PG-13, or worse, adult themes.
What do we really remember about these stories? Were we really told the entire story? Did someone leave out the “adult-themed” material in order to shield our vulnerable minds and innocent hearts? Is there something that we missed that could have been, even the slightest bit, helpful as we grew into adults?
For the next six weeks, we are going to explore some of our favorite childhood Bible stories to see what twists and turns might have been left out. Join us as we dive into some Real Life Kids Stories and learn some real life lessons!
Practicing the Presence of God

If you’ve been around churches and Christians, you’ve probably heard the phrase “the presence of God” in some way, shape, or form. This foundational phrase evokes the sense of connection and communication that God desires with each person. But, sometimes, our expectations can interfere. Is it a feeling? A set way of worshiping or praying? 

When we face hardships, busyness, distractions, or other circumstances, experiencing the presence of God can seem unattainable or even unrealistic! Perhaps we feel unworthy, ashamed, or even just unsure about what to do.

What if, though, it’s not as complicated as we may think?