We Believe

faith is developed through real relationships.


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First Youth is a fun and exciting place where students in grades 6-12 learn about God and explore what it means to have faith and follow Jesus. Our space is a brave one - hard questions are encouraged, and our relationships with God and each other grow deeper through times of laughter and joy, silliness and jokes, sadness and tears, and at times, messiness. First Youth is a place where all youth are valued and all youth belong, and we love meeting guests and friends of friends!

Questions or need more information? Fill out the form at the bottom of this page, email our Director of Youth Ministries, Kylie Campbell, at  , or call our church office at 817-295-1166.

Upcoming EventS

April 4 - Talent Show! Dinner served at 6:00, followed by the talent show at 7:00.  If you are interested in being a talent reach out to Kylie ( ) or call the church office.  You can buy tickets here.  We can't wait to see you!
April 13 - Youth Eggstravaganza at 5:08 - we will have our own version of eggstravaganza and play games and fellowship together! 
May 3-4 - Youth Takeover Weekend - it's the one weekend of the year that First Youth leads all three worship services! 

Youth Sunday School

We dive deep into God's Word and studies different topics each semester, with lessons that are practical and full of substance. We discover God's deep love for each of us, and also how each person fits into this big world around us. We don't shy away from tough questions - instead, we explore how faith is still relevant and vital in today's world.

Time: Sundays, 10:00am
Location: Youth Building

youth Group

Youth Group happens twice a week during the school year! As part of our church-wide Wednesdays at First program, youth meet on Wednesdays for dinner beforehand to catch up with each other and hang out. After eating, youth build relationships and get to know each other more through fun activities and games together. And, on Sunday nights, youth meet in the Youth Building to play a game, worship together (led by the FirstYouth Worship Team), share in lesson, and end in small group time.

Time: Wednesdays 6:00pm & Sundays 5:08pm (during the school year)
Location: Youth Building

Mission Wednesdays

Mission Wednesdays take place on the first Wednesday of each month: we serve and help in various ways to meet needs in our community. Packing food bags, tending to our Community Garden, building ramps, and more are ways we can show that youth are the church right now!

Time: First Wednesdays 6:00pm
Location: Youth Building

Special Events

Youth have several annual special events that are great opportunities to invite friends and neighbors with no strings attached. 

  • Youth Family BBQ
  • Christmas Caroling
  • Messtival

Make sure to check out our Events page for upcoming special events & activities!

Messtival 2022

Enjoy pictures of our annual Messy Games Festival for Youth!

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