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our joyful offerings to the Lord

Music & Worship Arts

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Music Ministry at FUMC Burleson is Christ-centered and excellence-driven. Our purpose is to teach worship and music elements, techniques and procedures that will enhance the individual and equip them with the tools needed to lead in worship, give concerts, and make disciples for the transformation of the world.

Have questions or want to participate? Fill out the form at the bottom of this page, email our Pastor of Worship, Alan Clark, at pastoralan@fumcburleson.org, or call the church office at (817) 295-1166.

Chancel Choir

Open to youth and adults who have a passion for singing, Chancel Choir rehearses during the school year and leads hymns, sung responses, and anthems in 11am Traditional Worship each Sunday morning. This musical group sings the great music of the church from all generations with two major concerts a year accompanied with orchestra – one at Easter and one at Christmas.

Leader: Alan Clark
Rehearsal Time: Wednesdays, 7:00pm 
Location: Room 302 (Choir Room)

Glory Ringers Handbell Choir

Open to youth and adults, Glory Ringers play using a three to five octave set of bells and welcomes interested new members, regardless of skill level. This musical group rings music of all styles during 11am Traditional Worship on Sunday mornings at various times during the year. Come join us as we ring for the glory of God!

Leader: Alan Clark
Rehearsal Time: Wednesdays, 6:00pm (during the school year)
Location: Room 304 (Bells Room)

Family Style Worship team

At Family Style on Saturday evenings, our Worship Team leads music in a more modern, acoustic format featuring cajón or drums, bass, keyboard, and acoustic guitar.

Leader: Colin Campbell
Rehearsal Time: Saturdays, 4:00pm
Location: Worship Center

Connect Worship team

Our Connect Worship Team leads music on Sunday mornings at our 9am Connect service in a more modern, pop/rock format featuring drums, bass, keyboard, and acoustic and electric guitar.

Leader: Suzy Morgan
Rehearsal Time: Sundays, 8:00 AM
Location: Worship Center

Children's music

We have several wonderful opportunities for children to explore and deepen their love of music and also lead in worship. For more information, visit our Children's page.

Worship Tech

Our Worship Tech Team assists with setup and operation of sound and screen equipment during Saturday evening Family Style and Sunday morning Traditional worship. This team also helps run our live stream broadcasts of worship and ensure that worship is accessible to all attending in person and those attending online.

Altar Visuals Team

Behind the scenes, our Altar Visuals Team help prepare Communion elements for worship. In addition, they arrange and decorate the altar and cross at the front of the worship center with different themes and colors based on the yearly church calendar.

Hospitality Team

Our Hospitality Team welcomes people as they enter the building for Sunday morning Traditional worship, answers questions and provides information and direction to guests, and assists with preparing and serving refreshments.

Ushers team

Our ushers greet people for Sunday morning Traditional Worship as they enter the worship center, seat worshipers as necessary, help with accessibility needs, and collect the offering during worship.

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