We Believe

that everyone has a place in the church.

Wednesdays at First

Wednesdays at First is one of the best ways to get connected and deepen relationships with others at FUMC Burleson since we believe that faith is stronger in community. Intentionally designed with people of all ages and stages in mind, this program offers activities for anyone and everyone. For parents of children infants - age 4, nursery is provided during all after-dinner activities.

Wednesdays at First takes place on Wednesday afternoons and evenings during the school year and follows the Burleson Independent School District calendar in regard to holidays and inclement weather shutdowns.

One of the best ways to connect is to serve alongside others by volunteering. We periodically offer special classes to help identify volunteer interests, strengths, and skills if you are unsure how you may help.


K.I.D. Connection & Choir (K-grade 5)

K.I.D. Connection (Kids in Discipleship) is an exciting opportunity for children in Kindergarten through 5th grade to have fun together and learn more about God. Through Bible stories, hands-on activities and crafts, music, and much more, children are able to explore the beginnings of faith and develop deeper relationships with each other.

As part of our K.I.D. Connection program, children K - 5th grade participate in Children's Choir. We prepare music to sing in worship as they learn musical and spiritual concepts. Each child is encouraged and affirmed in the gifts and talents they have to offer to our church. They prepare music for worship as well as special musicals during the year. 

Time: 3:30pm
Location: Worship Center

Grow the Garden

After dinner come out to the garden at 6:00 pm, for one hour at the most, to tend to the garden and have a short evening vespers (prayer/scripture/discussion). Everyone is welcome-- we need lots of help!

Leaders: Chris Unger
Time: 6:00 pm

Wednesday Dinner

Anyone and everyone is welcome to join us for a time of fellowship over food. This is a great chance to connect with others and develop and deepen friendships. We provide a kid-friendly food option for families, and a freewill donation is appreciated but not required to help cover the cost of our weekly meal. All who attend are encouraged to help with clean up afterward so that people may readily head to 6:00pm activities.

Leader: Ted Streck & Jessica Wasson
Time: 5:00pm
Location: Worship Center

Glory Ringers Handbell Choir

Open to youth and adults, Glory Ringers play using a three to five octave set of bells and welcomes interested new members, regardless of skill level. This musical group rings music of all styles during 11am Traditional Worship on Sunday mornings at various times during the year. Come join us as we ring for the glory of God!

Leader: Alan Clark
Time: 6:00pm

Youth GROUP (grades 6-12)

FirstYouth is a time to focus on our personal relationships with God, with family, and with others. Youth in grades 6-12 eat dinner beforehand and then gather to study God's word in an in depth manner with their peers.  

Time: 6:00pm
Location: Youth Building

Pastor's Bible Study

Pastor's Bible Study, or PBS, is a time of learning, questioning, conversation, and fellowship as we explore books of the Bible and related topics. This group is open to all adults and welcomes new members any time to visit and engage - you do not need to wait for a new series to join or attend. 

Leaders: Rev. Kyland Dobbins  
Time: 6:00pm

Chancel Choir

Open to youth and adults who have a passion for singing, Chancel Choir leads hymns, sung responses, and anthems in 11am Traditional Worship each Sunday morning. This musical group sings the great music of the church from all generations with two major concerts a year accompanied with orchestra – one at Easter and one at Christmas.

Leader: Alan Clark
Time: 7:00pm