Series: In This Family We...
In This Family We Plan a Budget (Family Style)
February 19, 2022 | Margret Fields
Passage: 1 Timothy 6:9-19
Series Information

Family is an important part of life, whether it’s family by relation, by choice, or as part of a larger community. It can give us deep connection and an unparalleled sense of belonging, but it can also be very complicated. Sometimes family brings out the best in us, but other times it brings out the worst.
During the month of February, we’ll be examining different facets of family in our new worship series, “In This Family We…” Navigating family dynamics can be challenging at times, but God is in the midst and is ready to help us, if we let Him.
Whatever your experience with family is or has been, we invite you to join us for good conversation about how we can grow in our relationships, both with our relatives, our friends, and our community.