K.I.D. Connection

Every Wednesday, from 08/21/2024 to 05/07/2025, 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM

K.I.D. Connection (Kids in Discipleship) is an exciting opportunity for children in Kindergarten through 5th grade to have fun together and learn more about God. Through Bible stories, hands-on activities and crafts, music, and much more, children are able to explore the beginnings of faith and develop deeper relationships with each other.

As part of our K.I.D. Connection program, children K - 5th grade participate in Children's Choir. We prepare music to sing in worship as they learn musical and spiritual concepts. Each child is encouraged and affirmed in the gifts and talents they have to offer to our church. They prepare music for worship as well as special musicals during the year. 

Questions? Contact our Director of Children's Ministry, Tamara Bowers, at .

For more information about First Kids, click here. To see the full Wednesdays at First schedule, click here.

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