We Believe

faith is stronger in community.


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We offer many opportunities for individual and relational growth toward a full understanding of God’s purposes for us as revealed in Scripture and in Jesus Christ. Our small groups and studies are designed with all ages and stages of life in mind, and we strongly encourage our guests and members to get involved. 

Need more information or want to get plugged in? Fill out the form at the bottom of this page, email our Director of Operations, Jessica Wasson, at  , or call the church office at 817-295-1166.

Pastor's Bible Study

Time: Wednesdays at 6:00 pm (during the school year)

Pastor's Bible Study, or PBS, is a time of learning, questioning, conversation, and fellowship as we explore books of the Bible and related topics. This group is open to all adults and welcomes new members any time to visit and engage - you do not need to wait for a new series to join or attend. This class is led by Pastor Kyland with periodic guest appearances by other qualified teachers.  We will explore a variety of topics - Is Jesus the Only Way to God (What about other religions?), Who is the Mysterious Melchizedek in the Bible, Why the Apostle Paul Told Women to be Silent in the Church, Who Were These Really Old People of the Bible like Methuselah & Noah; The Religious & Biblical Half-Truths We Fully Believe that Impact Us, and many more exciting topics you’ve always wanted to know more about. Join us Wednesday’s at 6pm.

Adult Sunday School

Leader: Various
Time: Sundays, 10:00-10:45am

Our Adult Sunday School groups meet weekly and are open to college-age students and older - we offer opportunities to connect for all ages and stages.

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Time & Location: Group-Determined

As Methodists, we believe that small group gatherings are essential to building relationships, growing, and strengthening out faith. We offer several church-wide group study opportunities throughout the year to encourage guests and others to get involved, with the desire that many of these groups will remain connected and deepen bonds even after the study is completed.


Solo spirit Singles & FRIENDS

Leaders: Glynis Gates
Time: 3rd Friday of the month, 6:30pm
Location: Worship Center

One of the biggest desires of a single adult of any age is to have quality friendships with others. A ministry to single adults provides an atmosphere of acceptance and openness where people can discover others with the same experiences, hopes and hurts, and establish relationships that are nurtured in a Christian context.

Some of the activities Solo Spirit Singles offer include Bible studies, shared meals (both covered dish and restaurant), movie or theatre attendance, other cultural events, and retreats (both local and out-of-town). We also offer opportunities to be involved in events to serve our community. 

United Methodist Men

Leader: Brad Kershaw

Time: 2d Thursday of each month, 6:30pm

Location: No Frills Grill

The mission of our men's ministry is to support spiritual growth among men, helping men to mature as disciples as they encourage spiritual formation in others. Each person has different gifts, graces, and areas of interest; therefore, opportunities include prayer groups, missions, Bible studies, retreats, workshops/seminars, small groups in the Wesleyan tradition, leading and participating on committees, teaching Sunday school classes, youth ministries, scouting, mentoring and assisting in leading worship service. The focus is not inward, concentrating only on those who attend a set meeting, but outward to all men, assisting them to engage the process of spiritual growth.

United women IN FAITH

Leader: Jessica Wasson
Time: 2d Thursday of each month, 6:30pm
Location: Worship Center

Previously known as United Methodist Women (UMW), our women's ministry is a local group within the larger United Methodist Church, and we are committed to growing as disciples of Jesus Christ in community with other women and advocating on behalf of women, children and youth around the world. We equip women and girls to be leaders in communities, agencies, workplaces, governments and churches, with educational experiences that lead to personal change in order to transform the world. We work for justice through compassionate service and advocacy to change unfair policies and systems, and we provide opportunities and resources to grow spiritually, become more deeply rooted in Christ and put faith into action.

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