We Believe

in supporting each other.

Care & Support


Time: Thursdays, 1:00 pm
Location: Room 107 (Parlor)

The Prayer Team collects, reviews, and prays for all prayer requests that have been submitted online at fumcburleson.org/prayer, written on the tear-off prayer request portion of the worship bulletin, or placed in the prayer boxes located around the church campus. If you would like to learn more about the Prayer Team, please email   or call the church office at (817) 295-1166.

Request Prayer


The Congregational Care Team is a lay ministry team that assists our pastors in caring for needs within our congregation. The members of the Congregational Care Team have completed approximately 8 hours of training in order to make hospital visits and to reach out by phone to persons in need of contact. This team provides support to grieving families and proactively encourages and cares for persons within our congregation. For more information about the Congregational Care Team, please email   or call the church office at (817) 295-1166.

Financial support

Our Helping Hands ministry provides financial assistance on a case-by-case basis to people who find themselves in difficult or unexpected circumstances. This ministry is open to anyone in our community, including church members. Thanks to the support of church members and other donors, we are able to assist with rent, utility bills, car payments, and even medication costs.

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