Baptism shows God's grace and symbolizes God's action in beginning the process of salvation. John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, preached prevenient grace: grace that works in our lives before we are aware of it, bringing us to faith.

Youth & Adult BAPTISM
If you would like to be baptized, please let us know so we can find a time to meet together with a pastor. If you have been baptized previously and are re-committing to your faith, we look forward to finding ways to celebrate this renewal!
From the earliest times, children and infants were baptized and included in the church. In Mark 10:14, Jesus states, “Let the little children come to me…for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs.” Because baptism celebrates what God is doing, we happily invite parents to reach out to us regarding baptism for their child(ren).
Profession of faith
As you grow spiritually by asking questions, praying, reading the Bible, and meeting together, you are welcome to publicly profess the faith growing inside you as a witness to God's work in your life. Because each person's faith journey is unique, there is no right or wrong age for profession of faith. If you are unsure whether or not the timing is right for you to publicly acknowledge your faith, please reach out to our pastors so that you can further discuss what your journey may look like.
Youth confirmation
Graduating 5th graders and other interested youth are invited each Spring to be a part of our annual Confirmation Class. These students meet weekly with pastors and other staff to have fun, ask hard questions, and dig in deep about what it means to be a committed follower of Jesus and a member of a church. At the conclusion of the meetings, interested students are welcome to be baptized (if they have not already), profess faith in Jesus Christ, and become full-fledged members of the church during worship.