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to bring the Good News of Jesus to all

Our Team

Kim Paz

Preschool Co-Director


Kim grew up in the area and graduated from Burleson High School. She attended TCC and a year later married her husband Fernando Paz. She has worked in payroll and personnel for 10 years. After the birth of their second child, she decided to stay at home to raise her family.

In fall of 2001, after her son was enrolled in the preschool program, she became a substitute teacher for the FUMCB Preschool. Later that summer, she became a full-time teacher. Kim has taught 2’s, 3’s and in the last 8 years she has been a full time Pre-K teacher while working in the office for the After-School program.

Kim and her husband Fernando live in Burleson where they have raised their 2 children, Haley and Devin. Their daughter Haley is a full-time registered and licensed dietician at KPC Promise hospital in Dallas and their son Devin attends Cameron University in Lawton, OK and is a part of their baseball program.

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